Summer Learning Journey Art

Kia bloggers, today I am going to be talking about the Summer Learning Journey Art I did.  I picked the Art Coloring Book and I had to choose what to color. I liked trhe christmas one so I picked the christmas. I colored in a cat one throwing snowballs at each other. There was a ribbon on a cat and there was a word that said To wish you a merry christmas. I used the colors white, red and grey, It is very fun doing the coloring book becuase you get to color different things. One kitten is lying down in the snow and the other 2 kittens are standing up and throing snowballs at each other. Have you guys tried Art Coloring Book? Make sure to check it out, Bye bloggers!

Here is a picture of my work:




2022 Reflections

Kia ora bloggers, today I am going to be talking about my 2022 Reflections.

One event I remember the most is camp because we got to fill in out camp books that talk about how we feel and the museum. I also enjoyed having dinner and dessert. The other thing I enjoyed doing the most was having milo and filling in our camp book.

Something I remember most clearly was going snorkeling and seeing stingrays and snappers at camp. The event I enjoyed the most was going down the water slide and splashing into water, going to the museum and looking at different things.

I enjoyed going down the water slide and hanging out with my friends when we were waiting in line to go down the water slide. I was very cold after sp,ashing into the water when I went down the waterslide. It was very fun and people cheered for me while I went down the water slide.

I have been improving maths because we have been learning fractions and adding fractions. I enjoyed adding fractions and solving out the answer. I have also been improving my times tables and learning area and perimeter. I know my times tables fractions and area & perimeter.

I have been making new friends, Drusilla is one of my friends because she is funny, makes me laugh and she helps me with work if I’m stuck. She is also on sports room with me and we take out equiptment for people to play with. Alexandra is also my friend, whenever I am sad she makes me happy and she is helpful.

Responsibilities I have been involved in is Sports room monitor, sports room is where if people want to play with a tennis racket or a basketball they ask one of the monitors if they can have something and then we write there name on a whiteboard. I have also been involved in AV room monitor, AV room is where we give out chromebooks to the people who left there chromebooks at school. Gardnening club is also what I have been involved in, Gardening club is where we take out roots and make kawakawa balm.

I think that I have been doing good in these responsibilites because I have been getting help from my friends. It was fun doing these responsibilites with some of my friends, I espically liked AV room because I like to hand out chromebooks. When it is the end of the day some people return thier chromebooks to the AV room.

It has been a fun time going camp and doing jobs. I have also enjoyed spending time with my friends because they make me happy when I am sad. I will be sad to leave the all the staff, I will also be sad to leave my favorite teacher in Hauraki Ms Sands.

Here are some photos:

The Struggling Tortoise

Kia ora bloggers, today I am going to be talking about piece of writing I wrote. On Friday the 18th of November we had to write on paper about our quickwrite. There were 3 quickwrites, 1 was about a girl swimming with a dolphin. The second one was about a little house that was on top of a tortoise’s shell. The last one was about a stranded island, the stranded island was my favorite piece of writing. We had to get a piece of paper that had patterns around the paper.  Also we had to get our chromebooks from our box and write down the piece of writing we picked onto our paper. After that we had to show a teacher, we had to write a title, add color and write who it is from. My favorite part of doing the writing was coloring it in and writing it. Bye bloggers.

Here is a photo of my writing:

NZ History Of Parihaka


Kia ora bloggers today I will be talking about Parihaka. On Wedsnday the November we started to make headbands for Friday. We got a long strip of white paper and we had to draw patterns with the pencil on the white paper. After we drew the patters with a pencil we had to show the teacher and then we went over the pencil with pernament marker. A teacher measured my head so that I can fit it.

Then I went to sit on the floor so I could put 1, 2 or 3 feathers on my headband and then my teachert put tape on it. There were land taken in the 1860’s from many Maori tribes. When the Goverment wanted to take this land as well they prosted in a non-violent way. On Friday we had to wear white for Parihaka day. They wore the white plume (feather) to repesent PEACE. In class we talked about Parihaka and it was fun. Bye bloggers.

Here is my Headband

Black Ferns

The Black Ferns

Kia ora bloggers, today I am going to be talking about the Black Ferns. The Black Ferns is playing rugby for the quarter finals on Saturday the 29th of October. Sylvia Brunt got into the Black Ferns teamto play rugby. The Black Ferns play rugby at a pitch. I watch the Black Ferns on TV at home with my parents. My favorite player used to be Tui but now she isn’t playing anymore. Tui scored so many goals and she is one of my favorite rugby player. When the Black Ferns versed I was scared but then the Black Ferns got some points and they won. There are 32 players in the Silver Ferns team.I can’t wait to watch the Blck Ferns play against Wales on Saturday the 29th. Sylvia Brunt is the youngest rugby player in the Black Ferns team. One friend of mine at Waikowhai Primary School is Sylvia Brunt’s cousin. Bye bloggers!

Here is some of my work:                                         Check Out The BF Videos

Amazing Museum Trip

Kia ora bloggers. On the 18th of October the senior school went to the Auckland Museum. When people arrived to school we all had to gather up to get ready to go to the Auckland Musuem. Ms Sands put us into groups so we could all go to different places at the Musuem. I was with Zara, Jaycee and Zara’s mum. After everybody was here we all went into seprate buses. I sat at the back and Zara and Jaycee sat at the front. When we arrived to the Museum we had to wait for others to arrive. Everyone arrived, so we went inside the Musuem and theses people named Tom and Genna. They told us to sit down on the mat because they told us some of the rules. Ms Sands sorted the groups like Group 1, 2, 3. I was in group 3, I liked this place called Weird and Wonderful it is where you get to look at bugs and sea animals in a jar of water. My favorite was where you make your own butterfly. Then when you have finished making your own butterfly it flies out onto a screen. Bye Bloggers.

Here is my slideshow:


The Show Case

The Showcase

Kia ora bloggers. On the 28th of Septemberm, we had a showcase. For the showcase we had to create pieces of work. For the showcase we had to make a maths model. For our maths model we had to grab a squared piece of paper and draw classrooms from one of these maths books. After we drew the classrooms we had to grab another piece of squared paper and we had make cubes and try and figure out the volume of the shape. We had to get 1 colored paper and write the classrooms down,  then write what the Area is and the Perimeter is.

We had to stick the cubes shapes down with glue and write the Area and the Perimeter. Some other work we did was our inquiry model. On one of theses slideshows we had to scroll at the end of the slideshow and there was options that we could create like a painting, model, collage and other things. I wanted to pick a painting, my disaster was the Hyde Railway Disaster.

Before we could create anything we had to finish off our disaster work and pick 1 disaster from this website. Before I started painting I drew the disaster in my art book. I searched up my disaster on my chromebook and I found a picture of a train that was destroyed on the ground. So I tried to draw a picture of a train, I tried to copy a train from google but it didn’t work out. I was drawing a train with my friends and they were drawing a volcano and my other friend was drawing a ship.

All of my friends finished and then we went to show Ms Sands. I showed Ms Sands and she said I could start painting. I first started to grab a big piece of paper and I had to draw the train. After I drew the train I went to go grab some paint. I used the colors red, blue, white, red and other colors. I went to grab a art shirt because Ms Sands said If you are painting you need a art shirt on.

I found a art t-shirt I put it on and then I started painting. I first went to grab a paint brush that was quite thin. After a mean while I finished and then I started to make my notebook for my disaster. I started my notebook and I wrote up my disaster on my notebook and I went over the pencil with a pernament marker. After I finished making my notebook I hot glued it down on my art and then I left the classroom. And then the showcase was about to happen at night.

Here is a some pieces of work:


My Favorite Piece Of Writing

My Favorite Piece Of Writing


Kia ora bloggers, I am going to be writing about my fravoite piece of writing. 2 or 3 weeks ago we had to highlight what prepositions were. We had to highlight the preposition words 3 colors. The words we highlighted were a preposition, verbs and nouns. After that we had to draw shapes with a buddie and 1 person had to draw the shape and the other person had to tell them what to do. A preposition tells us where the position of one thing in relation to another. For example The train went through the tunnel. The word train is a noun, went is a verb and through is a preposition. We did the writing with McGrath. Bye bloggers


Here is my fravoite piece of writing work:

Growth Mindset

Kia ora everyone, we have been looking at Growth Mindset in maths. This dojo video is about your brain is like a muscle. I chose Your brain is like a muscle because whenever you say in yourself I cant do it you can do it because your brain is like a brain. My work called four 4s is what I struggled with a bit because it was a hard challenge and also because it was hard to work out the answers.

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